On November 17, 2022, the proceedings of “How Fair is Fair? Achieving Wellbeing AI” (organizers: Takashi Kido and Keiki Takadama) were published on CEUR-WS. The AAAI 2022 Spring Symposium was held at Stanford University from March 21-23, 2022. There are seven full papers of 6 – 8 pages in the electronic volume: “Should Social Robots in Retail Manipulate Customers?” by Oliver Bendel and Liliana Margarida Dos Santos Alves (3rd place of the Best Presentation Awards), “The SPACE THEA Project” by Martin Spathelf and Oliver Bendel (2nd place of the Best Presentation Awards), “Monitoring and Maintaining Student Online Classroom Participation Using Cobots, Edge Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Artificial Ethnographies” by Ana Djuric, Meina Zhu, Weisong Shi, Thomas Palazzolo, and Robert G. Reynolds, “AI Agents for Facilitating Social Interactions and Wellbeing” by Hiro Taiyo Hamada and Ryota Kanai (1st place of the Best Presentation Awards) , “Sense and Sensitivity: Knowledge Graphs as Training Data for Processing Cognitive Bias, Context and Information Not Uttered in Spoken Interaction” by Christina Alexandris, “Fairness-aware Naive Bayes Classifier for Data with Multiple Sensitive Features” by Stelios Boulitsakis-Logothetis, and “A Thermal Environment that Promotes Efficient Napping” by Miki Nakai, Tomoyoshi Ashikaga, Takahiro Ohga, and Keiki Takadama. In addition, there are several short papers and extended abstracts. The proceedings can be accessed via ceur-ws.org/Vol-3276/.
Achieving Wellbeing AI
The AAAI 2022 Spring Symposium “How Fair is Fair? Achieving Wellbeing AI” will be held March 21-23 at Stanford University. The symposium website states: “What are the ultimate outcomes of artificial intelligence? AI has the incredible potential to improve the quality of human life, but it also presents unintended risks and harms to society. The goal of this symposium is (1) to combine perspectives from the humanities and social sciences with technical approaches to AI and (2) to explore new metrics of success for wellbeing AI, in contrast to ‚productive AI‘, which prioritizes economic incentives and values.” (Website “How Fair is Fair”) After two years of pandemics, the AAAI Spring Symposia are once again being held in part locally. However, several organizers have opted to hold them online. “How fair is fair” is a hybrid event. On site speakers include Takashi Kido, Oliver Bendel, Robert Reynolds, Stelios Boulitsakis-Logothetis, and Thomas Goolsby. The complete program is available via sites.google.com/view/hfif-aaai-2022/program.