“Left to their own devices, an army of AI characters didn’t just survive – they thrived. They developed in-game jobs, shared memes, voted on tax reforms and even spread a religion.” (MIT Technology Review, 27 November 2024) This was reported by MIT Technology Review in an article on November 27. “The experiment played out on the open-world gaming platform Minecraft, where up to 1000 software agents at a time used large language models (LLMs) to interact with one another. Given just a nudge through text prompting, they developed a remarkable range of personality traits, preferences and specialist roles, with no further inputs from their human creators.” (MIT Technology Review, 27 November 2024) According to the magazine, the work by AI startup Altera is part of a broader field that seeks to use simulated agents to model how human groups would react to new economic policies or other interventions. The article entitled “These AI Minecraft characters did weirdly human stuff all on their own” can be accessed here.