Spanish fashion chain Mango has launched an advertising campaign created using AI models. First, all the clothes were photographed, then an AI model was trained to place the images on artificially generated models. The images were then retouched and edited. This was reported by Golem in an article dated July 30, 2024. Digital models are not new. They have been used for decades in various contexts, from computer games to mobile phone applications. Cameron-James Wilson founded an agency for digital models in London in 2019. He is the creator of the digital supermodel Shudu. Her sisters are Noonoouri and Lil Miquela. Since the triumph of generative AI, models have moved into another league. There are now beauty pageants for AI-generated models. The winners of Miss AI 2024 are Kenza Layli (Morocco), Lalina (France), and Olivia C (Portugal). They are already successfully represented on Instagram, showing themselves in various poses and dresses. According to Golem, Mango plans to sell the advertised collection in 95 countries. With this step, the company aims to reduce the costs that would otherwise be incurred for photographers, models and the entire production process (Image: DALL-E 3).