Living Skin on an Artificial Face

Scientists from The University of Tokyo have succeeded in applying living skin to a robot face. In their article “Perforation-type anchors inspired by skin ligament for robotic face covered with living skin” they write: “Skin equivalent, a living skin model composed of cells and extracellular matrix, possesses the potential to be an ideal covering material for robots due to its biological functionalities. To employ skin equivalents as covering materials for robots, a secure method for attaching them to the underlying structure is required. In this study, we develop and characterize perforation-type anchors inspired by the structure of skin ligaments as a technique to effectively adhere skin equivalents to robotic surfaces. To showcase the versatility of perforation-type anchors in three-dimensional (3D) coverage applications, we cover a 3D facial mold with intricate surface structure with skin equivalent using perforation-type anchors. Furthermore, we construct a robotic face covered with dermis equivalent, capable of expressing smiles, with actuation through perforation-type anchors. With the above results, this research introduces an approach to adhere and actuate skin equivalents with perforation-type anchors, potentially contributing to advancements in biohybrid robotics.” (Abstract) The result is an inverted or reversed cyborg. Oliver Bendel uses this term for technical structures that are supplemented with biological structures. It is also – another term used by Oliver Bendel – robot enhancement. There is no doubt that there will be more and more developments like this. Humans will become cyborgs, and robots will become reversed cyborgs (Image: Ideogram).