A start-up promises that lucid dreaming will soon be possible for everyone. This was reported by the German magazine Golem on November 10, 2023. The company is Prophetic by Eric Wollberg (CEO) and Wesley Louis Berry III (CTO). In a lucid dream, the dreamers are aware that they are dreaming (Image: DALL-E 3). They can shape the dream according to their will and also exit the dream. Everyone has the ability to experience lucid dreams. One can learn to induce this form of dreaming, but one can also have this form of dreaming as a child and unlearn it again as an adult. The Halo headband, a non-invasive neural device, is designed to make lucid dreaming possible. “The combination of ultrasound and machine learning models (created using EEG & fMRI data) allows us to detect when dreamers are in REM to induce and stabilize lucid dreams.” (Website Prophetic) According to Golem, the neuronal device will be available starting in 2025.