Pepper as a Learning Partner

The paper “Pepper as a Learning Partner in a Children’s Hospital” by Sara Zarubica and Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel was accepted at ICSR 2023. The technology philosopher and information systems specialist has been researching conversational agents for a quarter of a century, and for many years specifically on embodied conversational agents and social robots. His projects often involve building prototypes, either in the context of machine ethics or with reference to buzzwords such as “AI for Good” or “AI for Well-being” (which he himself, however, views critically). Sara Zarubica developed a learning application for children with diabetes that runs on a social robot as part of her thesis at the FHNW School of Business, supervised by Oliver Bendel. According to the abstract, the goal was to make Pepper an interactive learning partner with which the children can “practise estimating carbohydrate amounts in meals and thus build a foundation for the daily management of type 1 diabetes mellitus” (abstract). The children complete the learning game on the social robot’s display and receive gestural and verbal feedback from it. In 2022, Oliver Bendel was at the ICSR 2022 in Florence together with Marc Heimann, where they presented the morality module. The ICSR 2023 will take place in Qatar in December 2023. Along with Robophilosophy, it is one of the most important conferences for social robotics worldwide.