AAAI Spring Symposia Proceedings 1992-2018

The AAAI Spring Symposia is a legendary conference that has been held since 1992. It usually takes place at Stanford University. Until 2018, the leading US artificial intelligence organization itself published the proceedings. Since 2019, each symposium is responsible for its own. Following a restructuring of the AAAI website, the proceedings can be found in a section of the new “AAAI Conference and Symposium Proceedings” page. In 2016, Stanford University hosted one of the most important gatherings on machine ethics and robot ethics ever, the symposium “Ethical and Moral Considerations in Non-Human Agents” … Contributors included Peter M. Asaro, Oliver Bendel, Joanna J. Bryson, Lily Frank, The Anh Han, and Luis Moniz Pereira. Also present was Ronald C. Arkin, one of the most important and – because of his military research – controversial machine ethicists. The 2017 and 2018 symposia were also groundbreaking for machine ethics and attracted experts from around the world. The papers can be accessed at