AI for Elephant Protection

According to Afrik21, Olga Isupova (University of Bath) has just developed an AI system that allows to photograph and analyse large areas. Coupled with a satellite, it is designed to monitor African elephants, which are being decimated by poachers at the rate of one every 15 minutes. “The system collects nearly 5,000 square kilometres (km2) of photos highlighting elephants. The large size of African elephants makes them easier to spot. The results provided by the tool are then compared with those provided by human counting.” (Afrik21, 28 April 2021) Olga Isupova lists a number of advantages: “The programme counts the number of elephants by itself, which no longer puts the people who used to do this task in danger. The animals are no longer disturbed and the data collection process is more efficient …” (Afrik21, 28 April 2021) According to Afrik21, the AI expert intends to further develop her invention and eventually extend it to monitoring footprints, animal colonies or counting smaller species. The article can be accessed via